Privately owned or rented, residential bed bug control.
For all commercial properties such as hostels and hotels.
Heat Treatment
Using heat sensor technology monitored via Wifi.
Heat Treatment Pest Control Services
Call: 0203 600 0980
Privately owned or rented, residential bed bug control.
For all commercial properties such as hostels and hotels.
Using heat sensor technology monitored via Wifi.
Published: October, 2023
Paris is currently in the grip of a bed bug epidemic. Paris has always had bed bugs, but this seems to have got worse recently and the press has grabbed on to this fact and whipped people up into a frenzy about it. People may be worrying, if they have plans on visiting the city. If you’re planning on travelling there, then you may want to take precautions. What you might also be concerned about is if this epidemic will spread to London. Will this actually happen, and is it something you need to bother yourself with?
The short answer is yes. It’s more than likely that this bed bug epidemic will spread because they can hide in your holiday luggage. You see, it’s estimated that about 2 million British people visit Paris every year. Many of these people will be from London. If they’re not from London, there’s a good chance they will pass through London. This is especially true if they’re taking the Eurostar. What this means is that any bed bugs brought over from France will most likely be deposited in London. That’s not to mention all the Parisians who come to the UK.
The other problem is that many people may be completely unaware of the Paris bed bug epidemic. These people will travel over to Paris, pick up bed bugs and be none the wiser. What all of this means is that London may soon be facing its own bed bug crises with the problem already prevalent in the UK.
But what can Londoners do about this problem with bed bugs across the world in every country? First of all, we hope that you’re not visiting Paris anytime soon. If you are, then take extra special precautions. Check and recheck your clothing constantly. Do not leave clothing on the floor, or around the room.
It’s also a good idea to leave your luggage in the bathroom. Bed bugs mainly hide around the bed, and do not always go into the bathroom. Most importantly, triple check your luggage before leaving. Bed bugs are attracted to human clothing because of the smell. They then crawl into your luggage and clothing during the night. This is why it’s so important that you check all items of clothing and luggage before leaving Paris. Do this again once you get home.
If you’re a Londoner, then be aware of this bed bug epidemic. Try to avoid using public transport during this time. If you’re on the tube or bus, then avoid sitting. Once you’ve arrived home, remove your clothing and check it for bugs.
Watch out for the signs of these pests as well. Check your bedding every morning. Look out for things like dark brown spots, dried blood, and shed skin. Bed bug bites are similar to flea or mosquito bites. They usually appear in a line or zigzag pattern. If you see bites, then wash all bedding immediately at high heat. This is often enough to get rid of the pests. If the problem continues, then it’s best to call a pest controller as soon as possible.
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