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Are There Any DIY Gadgets For The Fight Against Bed Bugs?

Extreme Bed Bug Control

Published: March, 2024

The fight against bed bugs is never ending. No matter what you do, these pests never quite go away. But surely there must be a solution? There must be some kind of gadget that removes these pests for good?

Can tech help in the fight against bed bugs?

The sad truth is that no such gadget or tech exists, even with the evolution of bed bug treatments. There is no technological solution that can help you in the fight against bed bugs. What’s funny is that the internet disagrees with this. If you do a quick search it’s possible to find dozens of these gadgets. Unfortunately, most of these are scams and are largely ineffective. The biggest culprits here are those “ultra-sonic” bug killing devices.

That being said, there are tools can that help with these bugs. These aren’t at all sophisticated from a technological point of view, but they do get the job done. The first of these are bed bug interceptors. You can ask about these when choosing a bed bug company.

Can low tech devices solve bed bug problems?

Bed bug interceptors in description are plastic tubs which fit around the foot of your bed. These tubs have an inner and outer section. The inner section is higher than the outer and at an angle. This means the bugs cannot climb out of it and it traps them.

It’s possible to make this device yourself. Take a small tub and place it underneath the foot of your bed, then place a larger tub beneath it. With any luck, you’ll trap some bed bugs. The only problem with this device is that it does not save you from bugs that are already in your bed.

Something else that might help with the fight against bed bugs are glue traps (but not tape stuck on skirting boards). These are basically traps that contain pheromones which attract these pests. When they enter the trap they step onto a glue strip and get stuck. Along with this, there are other electronic traps that emit bed bug pheromones. These can be found online.

Then you have things like CO2 traps

In case you don’t know, CO2 is the gas that we breathe out. Bed bugs are highly sensitive to this and use it to locate humans. You may be able to fool them, by creating a DIY CO2 emitter, but there is no guarantee.

Doing this is as simple as mixing sugar and yeast together. As the yeast eats the sugar, they produce CO2. To make this trap, take a plastic bottle and cut it in half. Next, invert the top half into the bottom. Then, mix the yeast and sugar together with warm water and place this in the bottle. Finally, wrap a towel around the bottle. This gives the bed bugs something to grip onto. The CO2 will attract them, and the bugs will climb into the bottle and drown.

The bottom line is that you cannot hope for a technological breakthrough in the fight against bed bugs. Despite this, there are some clever tools that can help in the battle against these pests. If these don’t work, call pest control for a more permanent solution.

Photo courtesy miheco under Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

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